Edition #13 For Sale In

Introducing "Star Aces"

The Nexaverse has an infinite number of worlds, galaxies and supercluster to explore. That was one of the major requirements we had for this project. We wanted the ability to pick a direction in space, fly in that direction for as far as your ship can carry you, and never hit a wall our boundary in any direction. The biggest conceptual problem we had with this idea is the fact that it would be such a big place to explore, that it would be almost impossible to populate it all with meaningful content. Meaning, an infinite Nexaverse of stars would almost certainly require an infinite amount of stories to experience.

It's true that, through the use of machine learning, we are developing a story engine capable of generating stories on the fly that never repeat, have meaning and depth, and keep state so the characters remember you the next time you encounter them, but there is a main storyline that I am proud to announce will be in the spotlight for everyone to enjoy. We have started development on a new web series titled "Star Aces", that takes place within Nexaverse Worlds.

"Star Aces" is a story about a family of 7 that go on amazing adventures together throughout the Nexaverse. They explore alien worlds, meet new cultures, find lost artifacts, join in battles in space and more, all while become closer as a family. The purpose of this web series is to not only tell you some great stories in a fun and animated way, but to also show you types of adventures and experiences await you in the Nexaverse, as well.

We had a lot of decisions to make when we started animating these stories. When considering what to make this animation look like, there were so many options it was ridiculous. We could use Blender to make a Pixar style animation. We could do something as a classic 2D animation. Whereas these ideas are amazing, and we just might do them one day, the point of the "Star Aces" project is to illustrate experiences that depict the ones you might encounter when you enter Nexaverse Worlds as a Metaverse. Our hope is that you'll fall in love with these characters and their adventures together, silently wish that you could share their adventures with them, and then actually be able to experience them just how they did when we are finished development on Nexaverse Worlds. How cool would it be to enter Nexaverse Worlds and see everything exactly how the characters saw it? Taking this approach would literally enable you to enter their world as you are used to it, and instantly be able to navigate it through what you have learned in the web series.

So, where did the idea of making our main characters all a part of the same family? In writing the concept for this show, I had considered many scenarios, but in the end I seem to always be a sucker for families fighting side by side. Families are usually pretty complicated. Many times, there is no shortage of friction between family members, but unlike with total strangers, the love for one another ultimately keeps them together. This dynamic makes for some really great storytelling, especially when situations arise when two family members may claim or even believe that they hate each other, but when put to the test, end up willing to die for one another. Many stories such as The Incredibles, the old 80's cartoon Bionic Six, and Avatar 2: The Way of Water have all magnificently captured the powerful messages behind these themes. We hope to offer the same types of emotional rollercoasters in Star Aces. 

We haven't officially committed to how many episodes we are going to produce, but our first two are in development right now. If it's well received, or even if we just have enough fun making them, we will continue indefinitely. These episodes will be free and available for everyone to watch and enjoy. Who knows? You might even see a world that you own featured in one of the episodes. Kind of makes you want to support us and purchase one, doesn't it? (wink, wink)

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